Important News Regarding Burn Pit Exposure

After many years, the VA has finally recognized a published list of medical conditions that are related to veterans who served in certain areas and were exposed to open air burn pits or burning oil fields. 

If you served in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Syria, and Uzbekistan during the Persian Gulf War, from September of 2001, to the present, or the Southwest Asia theater from August of 1990, to the present, and have one of the following conditions, you are now thankfully covered under the presumptive list, which includes: asthma, rhinitis, or sinusitis. If you previously had a claim denied for one of the listed conditions but served in the covered areas, you should contact the VA to ensure they reopen the claim.

While the listed conditions are now presumptive, many other conditions can be (and have been) linked to burn pit exposure and oil field fires. If you believe you now suffer from a condition as a result of exposure and have been denied, please contact us to discuss your options. 

A sample list of other conditions includes:

  1. Asthma

  2. Autoimmune disorders, such as Lupus

  3. Bladder Cancer

  4. Chronic B-Cell Leukemias

  5. Constrictive Bronchitis

  6. COPD

  7. Diabetes, Type II

  8. Hodgkin’s Disease

  9. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

  10. Ischemic Heart Disease

  11. Lung Cancer

  12. Multiple Myeloma

  13. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

  14. Parkinson’s Disease

  15. Prostate Cancer

If you had a claim denied for one of the non-presumptive conditions, contact us to discuss filing an appeal.


Veterans Exposed to Open Air Burn Pits


Understanding Nexus Opinions