Camp Lejeune Veterans and Family Members
What Vietnam era veterans are now eligible for the presumption of Agent Orange exposure?
Vietnam Era Veterans
What Vietnam era veterans are now eligible for the presumption of Agent Orange exposure?
Veterans Exposed to Open Air Burn Pits
On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law H.R 3967. Find out what benefits you are now eligible for and how the VA will be implementing the new law.
Important News Regarding Burn Pit Exposure
The VA, after years, has published a recognized list of disabilities for Gulf War Veterans. Get the information you need, especially if you have had a Gulf War related claim denied previously.
Understanding Nexus Opinions
Nexus opinion are an important step in having your claim approved. With many medical providers seeing how lucrative this is, you’ll want to ensure you work with a credible physician who understands how to prepare a thorough opinion. Let us help you navigate expert witnesses.