No Claim Too Difficult

Attention to Detail

Whether you have a PACT Act claim that isn’t presumptive, missed an appeal deadline, or have missing service records, no claim is too difficult for us to handle.

A Thorough Review

The first step to proving any complicated claim for VA benefits is to thoroughly review the records. Often times, the key to winning a claim can be found within one of thousands of pages of military records, VA treatment records, and other records. We take the extra time to thoroughly review every claims folder. For example, we successfully proved an Agent Orange claim based off one Enlisted Performance Report. When the VA alleged a veteran couldn’t have been exposed to Agent Orange, since he never left base, we found one record among thousands that showed the veteran had in fact driven over 5,000 miles in Thailand! Becuase of our thorough review, the veteran’s claim was approved.

Leading Legal Analysis and Briefs

Other veteran representatives file minimal legal briefs with very little research. A large part of our process is to thoroughly research the issues particular to your case. Every claim for VA benefits is different. We prepare extensive legal briefs that outline the medical evidence, relevant laws, and all other issues in your case. This helps remove any doubt that your claim should be approved. Medical evidence and nexus opinions are certainly important, but they aren’t the “win all”. Contact us today and learn about our winning briefs and their importance to a VA claim.

Past Examples

  • Multiple Sclerosis caused by in-service urinary tract infections.

  • Award of TDIU, even when self-employed.

  • OSA secondary to PTSD.

  • Parkinson’s Disease, caused by Agent Orange.

  • Kidney disease secondary to NSAIDs.

  • Favorable decision on a twice remanded claim.

  • Favorable Decision with missing service records.

  • Earlier Effective Date of over twenty years.

  • Injuries covered under Inactive Duty for Training Period