Experienced representation when you need it most.

Serving veterans and their families nationwide. Whether this is your first denial, or you’ve been fighting for years, get the help you earned today. Veteran’s benefits—it’s all we do.

Putting veterans and their families in charge.

Recent Victories

  • Board Grant: Earlier effective date of March 2016 for SMC(t).

    -September 2024

  • Board Grant: Earlier effective date for Special Monthly Compensation

    -September 2024

  • Earlier effective date of June 2014, rated at 100%.

    -August 2014

  • Board Grant: Aid and attendance.

    -August 2024

  • Board Grant: Service-connection for cuase of death; colon cancer due to Agent Orange exposure.

    -August 2024

  • Service-connection for gastritis, rated at 60%.

    -August 2024

  • Board Grant: SMC R(1)

    Description goes here
  • Grant of aid and attendance for a surviving spouse.

    -July 2024

  • Service-connection for anxiety, without STRs.

    -July 2024

  • Increase Migraines and CFS to maximum ratings.

    -July 2024

  • Increase kidney disease rating based on CUE.

    -June 2024

  • Board Grant: SMC based on aid and attendance.

    -June 2024

  • Grant of SMC-M, COPD rated at 100%.

    -June 2024

  • Grant of SMC-M based on CUE.

    -May 2024

  • Board Grant: SMC at the R(1) rate, effective September 2020.

    -May 2024

  • Service-connection for OSA, secondary to PTSD

    -May 2024

  • Service-connection for coronary artery disease, rated at 100%.

    -April 2024

  • Restoration of PTSD rating following a reduction.

    -April 2024

  • Board grant of DIC, ending an appeal that began in 2004.

    -March 2024

  • Grant of SMC-T, effective January 2023.

    -March 2023

  • Service-connection for PTSD, rated at 70%.

    -March 2023

  • Award of SMC-L(1/2) based on CUE.

    -February 2024

  • Service-connection for coronary artery disease, rated at 100%, due to Camp Lejeune water.

    -February 2024

  • Increased mental health rating to 100%

    -February 2024

  • Service-connection for prostate cancer, SMC-K, SMC-S, granted, based on CUE.

    -February 2024

  • Service-connection for Multiple Sclerosis, rated at 100%, plus SMC-L, due to Camp Lejeune.

    -February 2024

  • Service-connection for PTSD, rated at 100%.

    -February 2024

  • Grant of TDIU, plus P&T Status.

    -January 2024

  • Board Grant: Earlier effective date for SMC-L, grant of SMC-P.

    -January 2024

  • Service-connection for several PACT Act claims, previously denied.

    -January 2023

  • Board Grant: Service-connection for a shoulder injury, neck injury, and DM II.

    -December 2023

  • Board Grant: Increased rating for migraines, earlier effective date for migraines, increase TMJ rating, earlier effective date for TMJ.

    -December 2023

  • Bord Grant: Service-connection for lumbosacral strain.

    -December 2023

  • Service-connection for heart failure, secondary to NSAIDs, plus P&T status.

    -December 2023

  • Service-connection for MDD, secondary to hypothyrodism.

    -December 2023

  • Earlier effective date for PACT Act claims.

    -December 2023

  • Increase mental health rating, P&T Status.

    -November 2023

  • Earlier effective dates for left and right knee strain, plus P&T Status.

    -November 2023

  • Service-connection for lumbar strain.

    -November 2023

  • SMC-T Granted.

    -November 2023

  • SMC-P granted based on CUE.

    -November 2023

  • Earlier effective date for radiculopathy.

    -November 2023

  • Increase from 10% to 90%.

    -November 2023

  • Earlier effective date for PTSD.

    -October 2023

  • Service-connection for COPD, rated at 100%.

    -September 2023

  • Earlier effective date for TDIU and SMC-L.

    -September 2023

  • Service-connection for diabetes, increase testicular cancer rating, and an award of SMC-K.

    -August 2023

  • Board grant for lumbar strain, left and right hip strain, and shoulder strain.

    -July 2023

  • Service-connection for PTSD, rated at 50%.

    -July 2023

  • Earlier effective date for migraines, based on clear and unmistakable error.

    -June 2023

  • Earlier effective date for chronic fatigue syndrome, based on clear and unmistakable error.

    -June 2023

  • Service-connection for OSA, P&T Status.

    -June 2023

  • Service-connection for left and right shoulder, left and right hip psoriatic arthritis.

    -June 2023

  • Increase lumbar strain, service-connection for radiculopathy, cervical strain, plus P&T status.

    -June 2023

  • Service-connection for OSA, rated at 50%.

    -June 2023

  • PTSD Increased to 100%, SMC-K, SMC-S awarded.

    -June 2023

  • Service-connection for chronic pain syndrome, migraines, GERD, plus P&T Status.

    -June 2023

  • Service-connection for ED, GERD, and bruxism.

    -June 2023

  • Migraines increased from 0% to 50%.

    -June 2023

  • Earlier effective date granted, the day following discharge, based on CUE.

    -May 2023

  • Service-connection for asthma, increase COPD

    -April 2023

  • Service-connection for migraines

    -April 2023

  • Service-connection for lumbar strain

    -April 2023

  • PTSD Increase, TDIU Granted.

    -April 2023

  • Earlier effective date for SMC-L, based on clear and unmistakable error.

    -April 2023

  • Increased rating for knee, increased rating for painful scarring.

    -April 2023

  • Service-connection for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, due to burn pit exposure.

    -March 2023

  • Service-connection for PTSD.

    -March 2023

  • Service-connection for tinnitus.

    -March 2023

  • PTSD Increase + P&T Status

    -March 2023

  • Shoulder rating increase, effective date of original claim

    -March 2023

  • PTSD 100% P&T

    -February 2023

  • Service-connection for Fibromyalgia

    -January 2023

  • Service-connection for GERD, granted in 14 days.

    -January 2023

  • Service-connection for bruxism, labral tear of the shoulder, & earlier effective date for TMJ

    -January 2023

  • TBI increase to 40%, migraine increase to 50%

    -January 2023

  • PTSDT increase to 100%

    -January 2023

  • Service-connection for neck and back DDD

    -January 2023

  • PTSD increased to 100%, SMC-P, SMC-K, granted in 8 days

    -December 2022

  • Service-connection for ACL reconstruction

    -December 2022

  • Service-connection for OSA, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension, and P&T Status

    -December 2022

  • Service-connection for knee arthritis and tendonitis

    -December 2022

  • Service-connection for GERD, IBS, OSA, increased rating for rhinitis, plus P&T Status

    -December 2022

  • Service-connection for asthma, rhinitis, and surgical residuals

    -November 2022

  • Partial knee replacement granted temporary 100%, SMC-S, increased to 30% permanently

    -November 2022

  • Migraines increased form 0% to 30%

    -November 2022

  • SMC-L granted in twenty-four days.

    -October 2022

  • Service-connection for Degenerative Disc Disease of the lumbar spine.

    -September 2022

  • Earlier effective date for Migraines, with an increased rating for IBS, granted in five days.

    -September 2022

  • Service-connection for Migraines and IBS granted in twenty-eight days.

    -September 2022

  • Service-connection for degenerative disc disease; left and right leg radiculopathy in forty days.

    -August 2022

  • SMC-K granted effective 1992.

    -August 2022

  • Service-connection for Leukemia in twenty-three days.

    -August 2022

  • Award of SMC-L in forty-three days.

    -August 2022

  • Service-connection for tinnitus, plus an increased rating, raising the combined rating from 10% to 40% in forty-one days.

    -July 2022

  • Grant from 70% to 100% Permanent and Total, resulting in over $90,000 in past due benefits, plus the award of SMC-S. This appeal was granted in only seven days.

    -May 2022

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  • Complex VA Claims

    Whether your claim needs expert medical evidence, or a thorough legal analysis, no claim is too small.

  • Obtaining Military and VA Records

    Don’t wait months to find out what evidence the VA used to deny your claim. Review your C-File this week!
